Friday, February 24, 2012

At the Half-Way Point-Little Setback

I had my third chemo treatment 8 days ago.  Knowing I have three more to go, and also knowing I can do this, was very satisfying.  After having a chemo treatment my blood counts need to be checked seven days afterwards and ten days afterwards.  This is when my white blood cells are most apt to go down, making me more susceptible to germs and infection.  Up until now, my counts have been very good, so naturally I just assume this will continue for the duration.  Yesterday, I found out my white blood cell count was quite low.  The oncologist said I should be very careful to not put myself in a position where I may catch something.  I also have to keep taking my temperature and if it elevates to 100.5 or above, I must call them immediately.  Al mentioned to him how tired and weak I had been lately and he said this is a side effect of a low white blood cell count.

We were looking forward to a visit from Mike and Holly and their three boys on Saturday.  Al feels it would be best to put it off until my counts are higher.  So much is going around this time of year, and people don't always know when they are coming down with something.  It may seem like we are being a little over cautious, but we feel hibernation might be the safest way to go right now.  Hoping my counts will go up when I go back in on Monday.

I am so glad we are having a mild winter this year.  Most of the time I only need to wear my fleece jacket when going out.  It's amazing to me that 40+ degrees feels much warmer here in the Northeast than if we were in Texas or Arizona.  That would be a very cold day there.  When its 40 and the sun is shining, the air feels so good.  Knowing spring is around the corner and our neighbors will be coming home from their winter homes will make things much more lively around here.

Please say a prayer for me for this latest bump in the road.  I have no doubt my counts will go back up and I will be able to have my next chemo treatment in two weeks.  I am so grateful for all your prayers and feel that God has blessed me with a wonderful family and friends who care.  


  1. OHHH, RATS!! OK, adding a few extra strength prayers for Nita today and till whenever! I think it is a good idea to rest and not have company with the counts low. Hugs and lots o prayers!

  2. Hibernating is a GREAT idea! If you can avoid people and germs for the next few months, that would not be selfish AT ALL. Hope you can see Michael, Holly and the boys soon.

  3. Yes! What Deja said!!
    Of course, selfishly we are glad we were able to see you last week BEFORE those darn counts had dropped. You look GREAT and the kids were glad to get some cuddles in with you!
    Stay strong, Nana! You've got this! Halfway done with the chemo treatments and only 3 more to go. April 19th will be here before you know it and a big chapter in this book will be done.
    We're proud of you & continue daily in prayer for your heart & spirit to remain rooted in your Heavenly Father who loves you more than any of us! And that sure must be a lot, because we all love you quite a bit!

  4. I know you think I have forgotten you but not so. Our grandson had his surgery last week and stitches out Thursday, this week so we have been helping with his care. He and his parents went home from our house yesterday. He has the most beautiful smile:) However, I PRAY FOR YOU EVERY DAY even when I don't call you. Must be that exorbitantly expensive shot didn't do its job this time. Be sure and drink your Ensure if you can't eat.

    We all love you here in Virginia and will continue to pray for you daily. My Mom's prayers get special handling from above:) Can't go without your grandkids very long, I know. Keep taking good care of her AL. We know you do.

  5. Hi Nita!
    Although we've never met, Sam, Angie and the kids have been dear friends to us as part of our church family. I thought we would leave some words of encouragement for you. You are in our prayers. Hang in there!

    The Nolans

  6. Nita:
    We continue to keep you in our prayers. One little setback is no big deal in the large scheme of things. You are strong and will get through it! Hibernation is a good thing. Jackie & Dick

  7. We offer our prayers and hope for your recovery Nita. I know Judy has communicated to you so just know I'm here too. Our best to Al as we think of you and your recovery. Dennis

  8. Thank you everyone for your words of encouragement. You all mean so much to both of us.

  9. Hi Aunt Nita! Thanks for the update. We love you and are praying for you. Love, Sarah, Evan and offspring.
